Healthy Diet Meal Plan
Eating a healthy diet will go a long way
toward making you feel better now and keeping you healthier in the future. Here
are six nutritional recommendations to improve your daily meal plan.
Healthy Diet Meal Plan.
You probably eat 3, 4, or more times a
day. Sometimes you eat when you're hungry and other times just because you feel
like it! Before you start your next meal or snack, stop to think about what
your food choices will do to you. Will it nourish or punish your body?
Your routine food choices can either
improve your health or increase your risk of lifestyle-related chronic diseases
such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high blood cholesterol. So, do
yourself a favor and eat wisely every day.
Here are six simple dietary recommendations to balance your diet and achieve optimal nutrition.
Use Healthy Plate
There are many types of food that you can
eat every day and you have to make the right choices to stay well-nourished.
There is no single diet that can provide all the nutrients your body needs. You
have to eat a variety of foods, all in moderation and in the right balance.
My Healthy Plate serves as a guide to
help you plan a healthy eating plan. Follow these dietary guidelines and you'll
have a balanced diet that provides you with the right amount of essential
nutrients each day.
Brown rice and wholemeal bread (5-7 servings a day)
Example of 1 serving:
2 slices of bread (60 grams)
½ bowl* rice (100 grams)
½ bowl noodles or baron (100 grams)
4 plain biscuits (40 grams)
1 those (60 grams)
2 small chapatis (60 grams)
1 large potato (180 grams)
1 ½ cups plain cornflake (40 grams)
Fruit (2 servings a day)
Example of 1 serving:
1 small apple, orange, pear, or mango (130
1 wedge of pineapple, papaya, or
watermelon (130 grams)
10 grapes or lingams (50 grams)
1 medium banana
¼ cup dried fruit (40 grams)
Vegetables (2 servings a day)
Example of 1 serving:
¾ mg** cooked leafy or non-leafy
vegetables (100 grams)
¼ round plate + cooked vegetables
150 grams of raw leafy vegetables
100 grams of raw non-leafy vinaigrette
Meat and Others 2-3 Servings a Day
Example of 1 serving:
1 palm-sized piece of fish, lean meat, or
skinless chicken (90 grams)
2 small blocks of soft beans (170 grams)
¾ cup cooked pulses (eg lentils, peas,
beans) (120g)
5 medium prawns (90 grams)
3 eggs (150 grams)++
2 glasses of milk (500 ml)
4 slices (80 grams) of low-fat shredded
* Rice bowl ** 250 ml mug *** 250 ml cup
+ 10-inch plate ++ While 3 eggs are equal in protein content to meat and other
items listed under the Other group, egg yolks are higher in cholesterol. Happens.
So don't eat more than 4 egg yolks in a week.
Wondering why so many servings are
recommended for brown rice whole-meal bread meat and other food groups?
Well, this is to reflect the different needs of individuals. Younger and more
sedentary people are better off sticking to the lower end of the recommendation
range, while older and more active people eat more servings or portions from
these food groups.
Eat Enough Grains
like brown rice, whole meal bread, and rolled oats contain vitamins (vitamins B
and E), minerals (iron, zinc, and magnesium), phytochemicals (lignin’s,
phytosterols), and inulin (a type of dietary fiber) that are good for you. are
good Refined grains such as white rice or white bread have undergone processing
that removes the valuable nutrients that whole grains have to offer. Eating
whole grains over refined grains can reduce your risk of heart disease and
diabetes and help you control your weight because you feel less hungry.
Fruit and Vegetables
Naturallylow in fat and rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, fruits and vegetables add
color, texture, and flavor to your diet. With so many fruits and vegetables on
the market, mix and match your favorites to get the most out of them. Remember
not to overcook vegetables, and use whole fruit instead of juice.
fruits and vegetables
colorful fruits and vegetables.
addition to the greens mom and dad told you to eat, nutritionists now want you
to add more color to your plate with fruits and vegetables. The natural
pigments present in fruits and vegetables bring numerous benefits to the human
body, protecting us from many common diseases like heart disease and
Choose Healthier Oils
Reminds us to use healthy oils in moderation. Pay
particular attention to choosing healthy unsaturated fats and oils and minimize
saturated and Trans fats.
Related: Canola Oil, Olive Oil, and Soybean Oil - How to
Choose Cooking Oil?
Avoid or Minimize Alcohol
If you enjoy social drinking with your friends, set your
limits. Do not take more than one standard drink per day if you are a woman and
two standard drinks if you are a man. A standard drink is one can (330 ml) of
beer, half a glass* (100 ml) of wine, or 1 nip (30 ml) of spirits. Beer, wine,
and hard liquor contain alcohol, which is a concentrated source of calories.
Drinking alcohol regularly makes it harder for you to lose weight.
*Glass height = 15 c
Use My Healthy Plate to get a balanced meal plan that
provides all the nutrients you need every day.
For better nutrition, eat a variety of foods and remember
to include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and calcium-rich foods.
Choose healthy food choices that are low in salt, sugar, and fat (especially saturated and Trans fat). Also, limit alcohol intake.